VSO Awards
Photo: Blackburnian Warbler, Bob Schamerhorn
Nominations are open for VSO awards: the Mitchell A. Byrd Award for scientific achievement, the Jackson M. Abbott Award for conservation work, the James Eike Service Award, and the Myriam P. Moore Award. See Award descriptions below. Contact Shirley Devan at vsomembership@virginiabirds.org for more information. Deadline to submit nominations is February 20, 2025.
The Virginia Society of Ornithology celebrates organizations and individuals each year who make significant contributions to the conservation and study of Virginia’s birds.
Jackson M. Abbott Conservation Award
In 1973 the Virginia Society of Ornithology established a conservation award to be given to individuals or organizations that have demonstrated outstanding conservation work in the state of Virginia. The award, a framed certificate acknowledging the accomplishments of the recipient, is presented at the annual meeting. In 1989, the award was named in honor of Jackson M. Abbott for his lifelong devotion to conservation and his effective work on its behalf. A list of previous recipients can be found here.
The Virginia Society of Ornithology seeks yearly nominations of an individual or organization for the Jackson M. Abbott Conservation Award, for outstanding work in conserving Virginia’s birds and/or the state’s natural areas.
Nomination letters for the Jackson M. Abbott Conservation Award must include a description of the outstanding conservation work of the individual or organization and reason the conservation work will have a lasting effect on birds in Virginia. Two additional letters of support must be submitted for each nominee.
Nomination materials should be sent to Shirley Devan at vsomembership@virginiabirds.org by February 20, 2025. The committee will review all nomination packets and make its recommendation to the VSO Board in the spring with the award itself being presented at the next VSO Annual Meeting.
Mitchell A. Byrd Award
The Mitchell A. Byrd Award, established in 2011, recognizes outstanding scientific achievement in the field of ornithology. Recipients shall demonstrate an exceptional record of contribution to the scientific knowledge of Virginia’s birds through evidence including, but not limited to, publications such as papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals and books or book chapters derived from the candidates’ original scientific research, conference presentations, recommendation letters from scientific peers, and other forms of peer recognition (e.g., an award from a national scholarly society). A list of previous Byrd Award recipients can be found here.
Any member of the Virginia Society of Ornithology may nominate a candidate for the Byrd Award.
Please contact Shirley Devan at vsomembership@virginiabirds.org to submit the name of your nominee. Deadline is February 20, 2025. The award will be presented at our next annual meeting.
James Eike Service Award
In 1983, the Virginia Society of Ornithology Board of Directors approved the James Eike Service Award, named in honor of James Eike, a member of the Virginia Society of Ornithology from 1933 until his death in 1983. Eike’s long and faithful service, his dedication, and his enthusiasm in promoting the work of the VSO gave him a unique status in the organization. The recipient is recognized by the presentation of a silver Raven pin. The first pin was given to Claire Eike, in honor of her late husband for whom the award was named. The James Eike Service Award is given to recognize a VSO member for outstanding service to the Virginia Society of Ornithology. Eligibility for consideration would include service as an officer, board member, foray director, field trip leader, or other contributions to the organization.
The Eike Service Award Committee is soliciting nominations for the award. Nominators should send a letter of nomination giving the rationale behind the nomination. In addition two letters of support are required. These materials should be sent to Shirley Devan at vsomembership@virginiabirds.org by February 20, 2025. The committee will review all nomination packets and make its recommendation to the VSO Board in the spring with the award itself being presented at the next VSO Annual Meeting.
Myriam P. Moore Award
This is the highest service award, instituted in 1983. It recognizes a very high level of achievement in service areas and long continuous service and a demonstrated devotion to the principles and objectives of the VSO.
Please send your nomination and 3 letters of support to Shirley Devan at vsomembership@virginiabirds.org by February 20, 2025.
How can you help?
Funding for our Awards comes from the VSO Conservation Fund. Help us continue to recognize excellent contributions to local conservation efforts by making a contribution to the Conservation Fund.