Field Trips and Events
Photo: Godwits and Avocets, Bob Schamerhorn
The best way to learn about birds is to watch them in the field. Our membership is made up of new and very experienced birders, so when you join us for one of our field trips or events you are guaranteed to learn something new! Check out our upcoming events below, or browse our Field Trip Reports to learn about past events.
Upcoming Field Trips and Events
Click any event to learn more, or browse our full calendar of events.
Christmas Bird Count
A Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is a day-long census of bird populations. Each Christmas season from December 14 to January 5, hundreds of birders in Virginia participate in CBCs conducted throughout the state.
Field Trip Reports
Read a brief summary of our previous trips and view photos of some of the birds we saw. Then sign up for an upcoming field trip and join in the fun.
Browse our full calendar of events here.

Join the best birding community around.
Your support helps VSO to promote awareness and enjoyment of Virginia’s birds and bolsters our conservation efforts across the state.
Photo: American Avocets, Diane Lepkowski