Species Selection
Photo: Red-winged Blackbird and Green Heron at Huntley Meadows, Dixie Sommers
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Browse our sponsorship species by tier below. Click on a photo or species name to visit the sponsorship page for that species, where you can choose to complete your sponsorship.
View the list of sponsored species here.
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Hint: Try searching by a species common name, scientific name, family, or state status (Rare or Introduced).
Tier 1: $1,500 per year for two years ($3,000)
Tier 2: $1,125 per year for two years ($2,250)
Tier 3: $750 per year for two years ($1,500)
Tier 4: $450 per year for two years ($900)
Tier 5: $300 per year for two years ($600)

Want to know more about the Second Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas?
Read more about this important project and why it will be an invaluable resource not just for birders but for guiding conservation decisions in the future.
Photo: Field Sparrow, Dixie Sommers