The Raven Submissions
Photo: Common Raven, Wolfgang Heubeck
How to submit an article for consideration
The Raven, the official journal of the Virginia Society of Ornithology (VSO), functions to publish original contributions and review articles in ornithology, not published elsewhere, mostly relating to Virginia Birdlife. Manuscripts should be sent to coeditors John and Jennifer Styrsky at:
Most Manuscripts published in The Raven concern the distribution, abundance, and migration of birds in Virginia. Manuscripts on other ornithological topics, including Virginia-based historical reviews, bibliographical reviews, life histories, and behavioral observations are also welcomed. In addition, the journal serves to publish the official proceedings of the VSO and other formal items pertaining to all aspects of the Society's activities. The Raven may also publish articles pertaining to the activities of various public and private organizations engaged in biological and conservation work in Virginia. The Raven is a peer-reviewed journal; all feature articles and short communications are reviewed before acceptance for publication.
Format of The Raven generally follows guidelines set by the Council for Biology editors as outlined in the CBE style manual, 6th edition, 1994 (Council of Biology Editors, Inc., 11250 Roger Bacon Dr., Reston, VA 20190). Recent volumes of The Raven should be inspected for style. Vernacular and scientific names of birds should be those published in the Seventh Edition of the A.O.U. Check-list of North American Birds and subsequent supplements. All measurements should be reported in metric units.
Manuscripts should be submitted via email as PDF, Apple TextEdit®, Apple Pages®, or Microsoft Word® file attachments. Manuscripts may also be submitted by regular mail, either on a CD or as typed pages. If typed, the original (manuscript and graphics) must be accompanied by 3 complete copies; after review and acceptance, the final manuscript must be converted by the author(s) to electronic form. Text files should contain minimal formatting. All graphics (photos, maps, graphs, charts) must be in black and white, with an original size not to exceed 7.5 x 10 inches. Authors are encouraged to consult with the editor on additional matters of content, format or style.
How can you help?
Make a donation to support VSO’s publications, or consider submitting an article of your own.